Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mock Tweet

My parental units, with myself in grad school and my brother having just completed his second year of college, miss our heartwarming company for some so far unknown reason. In an effort to mollify the pain of the two kids flying the coop, they lure us together with the sweetest goddamn vacationary adventures. Now, I'm not a twitterer and will not tweet on the tweetnet to feed the tweeting twits tantalizing tales of my travels. However, in a hypothetical parallel universe where I have given in to said activities (I am blogging after all) my twitter over the next 14 days would look something like this.

6/01: PhD qualifying exam
6/02 10:15am: entering airport in Cork, Ireland
6/02 10:30am: drinking in a pub in Cork, Ireland
6/03: still drinking in a pub in Cork, Ireland
6/04: drinking in a pub in Dublin, Ireland
6/05: drinking in a pub in Belfast, UK
6/06: drinking in a pub in Glasgow, UK
6/07: drinking on a boat
6/08: drinking in a pub in Inverness, UK
6/09: drinking in a pub in Edinburgh, UK
6/10: shuffleboard on a boat
6/11: shrooming in a pub in Amsterdam, Netherlands
6/12: merrily obliterated in a tavern in Bruges, Belgium
6/13: detoxing in Heathrow

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