Monday, May 4, 2009

Shopping Cart Etiquette

Somebody show me where it is written that one is not allowed to ride the back of one's shopping cart through the parking lot at costco. Is there a “rules and regulations” manual on the topic of being a mature adult that I forgot to pick up when I turned 24? Is it stated in chapter “Fun time is over” section 12.36.1 in 'shopping etiquette' that one is not permitted fun of any kind while fulfilling one's weekly errands? And what about addendum 12.36.1a in which one must scoff at passers by who are having fun while running said errands?

Seriously, shopping cart riding makes so much sense. After I fulfill my hunter-gatherer instinct at Costco and find myself with about a hundred grapefruits and thirty pounds of Cinnamon Toast Crunch as my spoils, I definitely look for energy efficient ways of crossing the 200 yards to the ass end of the parking that still has leftover snowpiles in April. Doesn't it seem wise to get it up to speed, jump on the back and careen over the asphalt like a champ?

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